
Sadhguru is a multifaceted author who writes on various spiritual, philosophical, and practical topics. A unique blend of ancient wisdom and contemporary relevance characterises his writing style. He has a.
Osho, also known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, was a spiritual leader and philosopher renowned for his teachings on meditation, love, and the art of living. He was a man of.

Jhumpa Lahiri's writing style has garnered both acclaim and critique, particularly in light of her intricate exploration of internal conflicts and the perceived impact on narrative pace. Critics and scholars.
While Jhumpa Lahiri is undoubtedly one of the major voices in Indian diaspora literature, there are many things that critics generally ignore many things, various aspects, and the problematic sides.
If you are an Indian who loves reading books, contemporary novels included, you must have heard about Amitav Ghosh. Amitav Ghosh, a celebrated contemporary novelist, is respected because he has.
Motivation, decision-making, leadership, business, entrepreneurship, start-ups, growth, life... and blah blah blah of the business world are not easy subjects to write about. Many authors have tried their peculiar styles..